Friday, December 27, 2013

Joseki Opening (3-4) Episode 5

Seconcadary Sequence 1 

Countinuing From Primary Sequence 2 , If white invades at 1, Black must shut if off from the upper left corner with 2. White 3 intends to secure territory. Up to 12, White now has several choices. One is to steal the terriotyry on the left side with sequence from 3 to 12 After this , it will be good for Black to strengthen the center with the sequence Black A , White B , Black C, White D,and Black E

Diagram 1 

If White pushes at 1 thoughtlessly instead of playing 5 in Secondary Sequence 1 , he will be baffled Black2.

Diagram 2

Another choice is to fight with 1,3,and 5 , if white as enough pae threats.


If White comes up at 1 , it will be enough for Black just to respond with 2.

Diagram 4

Also , Black can turn elsewhere and give up the three stones. By sacrificing these stones, Black makes White (triangle) redundant.

Diagram 5 

It is therefore better for White to wait for a chance to move D9. Whites weakness at C6 make it hard to decide when to do it

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