Saturday, January 4, 2014

Joseki not popular part 2

Diagram 7

White 1 and 3 in this diagram are also possible instead of bending at 3 in the previous diagram. If Black plays for the outside influence, White will be quite satisfied with gaining a very large territory in the corner.

Diagram 8

Black therefore should save the corner with 3 and 5. If White moves out with 6 ,Black will fight back the Whites by pushing at 7.

Diagram 9

It is also conceivable for Black to develop the lower side with moves from 2 to 8 instead of bending at 4 in Diagram 6.

Joseki not popular 1

Secondary Sequence 4

Black 1 intends not so much to attack White to (triangle) but to sound out White's response. This move appears in actual games very rarely. White 2 to 6 are the normal way settling the situation . After 7 , White will attack Black 1 with A or B

Diagram 1 

Here, it is out of the question for White to attach at 1. Thus cut , White will be in trouble.

Diagram 2
It is also possible for White to attach at 2 instead of jumping at4 ,as in Secondary 4 After White 6...

Diagram 3 

 If Black links the corner with the side with moves 5 and 3 , White can then develop the lower side with 8

Diagram 4

If Black dosen't like the result of the previous diagram , he must bend at 3 when White attaches at 3 in Diagram 2 . Up to 6 , both players have strong side positions.

Diagram 5

It is not good for Black to extend at 1 , because White can freely attack the one black stone on the right side with  6 after strengthening the corner up to 4. Besides, the Blacks in the corner are not completely safe yet.

Korean Baduk Opening style Part 2

Diagram 7
White 1 .is new move mentioned before . If Black comes out into the center,then White will occupy the terrirory in the corner with 5 and 7 .

Diagram 8

If Black secures the corner with 1, then White will block the outside with 2.

Korean Opening Style Part 1

Secondary Sequence 3
Move 1-7
Korea Opening Style similar shusaku style modern baduk 

Diagram 1 

If white dosen't want to give Black a chance to start a battle with L16 , he can simply protect the side with 12.

Diagram 2

When Black rams at 1 and surround White with 3 , White must be careful not to make a mistake

Diagram 3

If White rashly tries to break out with 1 , he causes the death of his own group to 10.

Diagram 4

The right move for White is to attach in the corner with White 1 , After that Black cannot block at 5 but must defend himself with 4 , White then happily breaks through with 5. Black gets compensation by taking the corner territory and gaining the initiative on the right side .

Diagram 5

If Black blocks at 1 move  for diagram 4, he will end up being trapped up to 4.

Diagram 6

It is also possible for White to attach at 1 after Secondary Sequence 3 , planning to approach at 5 after settling the upper side. Up to 11 , White's plan has been successfully fulfilled.